Hair Follicle + ETG Testing

Comprehensive Hair, Fingernail, Toenail, and Alcohol Testing (ETG) Testing

Comprehensive Hair, Fingernail, Toenail, and Alcohol Testing (ETG) Testing

Reason for Hair Screening:

Extended Detection Period: Hair follicle drug testing offers a longer detection window, typically up to 90 days—compared to urine tests, which often only detect recent drug use. This makes it particularly effective for identifying habitual or ongoing drug use.

Harder to Alter or Cheat: Hair follicle testing is more difficult to tamper with, as it requires an actual hair sample, ensuring a more reliable and secure method of detecting drug use.

Thorough Results: Hair follicle testing provides a comprehensive view of drug use over a longer period, identifying substances like cocaine, marijuana, and opiates, which might not be detectable in urine or saliva tests after a certain time. This allows employers to gain a clearer understanding of an individual’s drug history.

Reason for Hair Screening:

At D-TAP, we believe drug testing is essential in today’s business world. We are committed to providing reliable, efficient, and confidential testing services.

Hair is a powerful tool for detecting drug and alcohol use, offering a long-term history of substances through biomarkers trapped in the growing hair strand. When collected close to the scalp, hair can provide a detection window of up to approximately three months for drugs and alcohol. This method is difficult to adulterate and easy to ship.

A 1.5-inch sample, consisting of about two hundred strands of hair (roughly the size of a #2 pencil), provides around 100mg of hair—the ideal amount for screening and confirmation. We also offer the option to add EtG, additional panels, or tests up to nineteen panels with a recommended 300mg specimen. If scalp hair is unavailable, body hair can be used as an alternative, including facial or axillary hair, with all non-scalp hair classified as body hair. We can screen for up to nineteen different panels.

Judicial Court Drug Testing

Court Order: Urine Analysis (UA), Hair, Finger, and Toenail + ETG

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